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To install the app, please follow the link below on your mobile phone.

The app will automatically update with the latest news about the conference and will also include venue and speakers information when they become available.

Works on Android and the iPhone.

LKSE15 Team

The call for proposals is already closed

The call for proposals is already closed

We start preparing the conference program.
We have received very interesting proposals. We will have two tracks of presentations, workshops and lightning talks.

Buy your ticket for the conference now and save 35%.

Hope to see you in Madrid on April 21!

LKSE15 Team

The Early Bird registration is open

Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2015 conference brings together the leading trainers, coaches and practitioners in Spain to present top quality Lean Kanban content. We will also bring speakers from across the world to speak to the fast growing community of Lean Kanban practitioners and adopters.

The program will include keynotes, presentations, TED-style talks and how-to sessions with the aim to address all your questions and knowledge needs and help you develop and implement the right solutions for your team and organization.

The Early Bird registration is open until February 28th. Do not hesitate, grab your pass and save 35%.
Invite a friend and save 50% on the second ticket.

Looking forward to meeting you in Madrid.

Date Change: LKSE15 will take place on April 21

In order to fit better the calendar of all spring Lean Kanban conferences and to provide valuable content in shorter time, we shifted LKSE15 to April 21.

Therefore, we extend the Call for Proposals until February 7th. Take advantage of this additional time to submit your idea :-)

We will announce the program on March 1st and will be looking forward to meeting you on April 21st.

If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact us.

Welcome to Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2015!

We are happy to announce that LKSE15 will take place in Madrid on March 5-6, 2015.

We would love to meet and chat with you at the conference!

We want to make the event your preferred conference for 2015. Therefore, we would be glad to hear your thoughts and suggestions before the conference.

More news will appear here, so stay up-to-date.

Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Call for Papers!

What we heard loud and clear is that you want better content. You want more networking time, and, you want even more of all the stuff that has made prior events so powerful.  Submit your session proposal now!


Welcome to this year’s Lean Kanban United Kingdom conference!

We’re busy lining up some exciting new sessions, and our programme chair Nader Talai will be announcing a call for presentations (CFP) shortly. Meanwhile, don’t forget to put LKUK 2014 (hashtag #lkuk14) into your diary for November 3rd and 4th.