Okaloa Flowlab workshop
When: September 27 (Half day)

Agility is a mindset. It is not a set of practices that can be installed. But how do you get out of the practices trap, especially when you have to mobilize not just software development and IT teams but the entire organization towards business agility where value is created through meaningful work? How do you engage business teams, users and customers? How do you enable higher levels of collaboration, not just within teams but also across teams? In other words, how do you get individuals, teams and even the entire organization into a flow state where everybody is doing the right thing at the right time by having the right conversation? Rational explanations and models of agility will only go so far. To be truly effective, the agile mindset needs to be experienced.
By joining this Okaloa Flowlab workshop, you step into the flight simulator for experiencing and practicing agility in a safe-to-fail environment. Built on the premise that experience must come before theory, you will do experiments through board-play style simulations that reflect real work environments. We will start with simulating a conventional work environment that reflects a mechanistic mindset characterized by a focus on resource efficiency, command and control and specialist workers. As the team is taking its first baby steps into agile, participants experience which roadblocks need to be overcome and subsequently experiment with policies and practices that enable collaboration, get the team into flow, and allow an agile mindset to emerge. Weaved into the simulations you will discover the fundamental difference between resource efficiency and flow efficiency and some of the foundational building blocks of modern agility including systems thinking, self-organization, pragmatic leadership and active learning. This will form the foundation for a discussion on how “flow thinking” scales up to enterprise flow (including cross-team and end-to-end flow) and how this fuels business agility. Participants (even seasoned “agilists”) will walk away with a deeper insight in the meaning of agility and how to mobilize for agility. They will be better equipped to challenge the false choices that often immobilize change (e.g. choosing between iterations or continuous flow; competence or feature teams; evolutionary or revolutionary change?) and build bridges between the islands of agility (Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, LeSS, Lean startup, Holocracy, Sociocracy, etc.) that exist today in many organizations. The workshop lays the foundation for more advanced simulations that form the foundation of the Okaloa Flowlab “Enterprise flow” workshop.
Who the workshop is targeted at?
The workshop targets lean and agile practitioners and coaches at every level of expertise. Beginning lean agile practitioners will get a deeper understanding of flow thinking. Advanced practitioners and coaches will learn a new way of teaching and coaching flow thinking.
Facilitator Bio’s
Patrick Steyaert is founder of Okaloa. He trains and coaches clients in flow thinking as a way to move towards true Business Agility. Patrick is the co-creator of Okaloa Flowlab business simulations to experience flow and to learn about enterprise flow. He is the Brickell Key Award Winner 2015 for outstanding contribution to the Kanban community with Discovery Kanban and is an LKU Accredited Kanban Trainer and Kanban Coaching Professional. He is a regular speaker at international conferences.
505€ Pack Conference + workshop
250€ for non-conference attendees